750 ml
13.5 %
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750 ml
13.5 %
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Mer information om McManis Family Vineyards
Ron and Jamie McManis have owned and run McManis Family Vineyards since 1990. Today, the vineyard sustainably cultivates more than 4,000 acres of top-quality wine grapes in Northern California’s interior and Clarksburg Delta regions. Justin McManis, Tanya McManis Heuvel, and their son-in-law Dirk Heuvel, who represent the fifth generation of family farmers, all work full-time at McManis Family Vineyards. The McManis family has been producing grapes in this area for five generations.
Mer information om Divine AB
Vinimportören Divine AB är verksam i Sverige med försäljning av viner via Systembolaget. Nedan finner du mer information om viner som säljs av Divine AB samt annan information om deras verksamhet.